follow these instructions after every session in order to ensure the best results and minimize any potential discomfort.

before care

  • Stay hydrated!

    it will make treatment more effective since the current needs to interact with the moisture in the hair follicle to properly treat the hair. 

  • Wait 2 weeks after your last laser, dermabrasion, or chemical peel treatment before starting electrolysis treatment.

    You should also avoid combining treatments in the same area. If you are doing laser on one area of the body and electrolysis on another, that is okay. 

  • Come with no makeup on the area to be treated.

    It will otherwise need to be removed before we start treatment. 

  • Avoid substances

    caffeine, alcohol, weed and other substances can increase your sensitivity to pain during the session

  • If you want to minimize pain you may use ibuprofen, benadryl, or topical anesthetics

    these products should be used or applied at least 30 minutes before treatment so that it is effective and will have been absorbed before the surface of your skin is sterilized pre-treatment. 


Having a skin reaction post-treatment is normal. You will likely experience: 

  • Redness 

  • Inflammation 

  • soreness

Some skin types are more prone than others to having more complex healing processes. you may observe:

  • Hyperpigmentation 

  • Minor scabbing or crusting 

  • Small pustules 

  • Pitting

A good electrologist will know how to avoid and/or minimize these reactions. part of the process is adjusting settings based on skin reactions over the course of your treatment. communication is key.

If your skin isi more sensitive to electrolysis than expected, let your electrologist know right away! 

Avoid the following after treatment for the first 24-36 hours: 

  • Makeup in the treated area 

  • Excessive touching, itching, or scratching - don’t peel any scabs! 

  • Tanning

  • Tight clothing on the area

  • Scented or oily cosmetics like deodorant or skincare 

  • Swimming 

  • Exfoliation

After treatment, you should follow these minimal steps to promote healthy healing of the skin: 

  • Take a mild painkiller like ibuprofen

  • Ice compress on the area as soon as possible 

  • Aloe vera on the area treated (try to use 100% aloe, unscented) 

  • gentle soap when cleansing 

  • Wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure!